_Your signature is your brand!

SmartSignature let you manage and enforce your users email signature information and appearance from a centralized place, to be always up to date and to follow your corporate branding guidelines.

With a powerful rich text editor you can customize a beautiful and memorable signature template that will be merged with individual and updated employee details from the G Suite directory. By having a periodic execution you can rest assured that if a user manually modifies it or if his data changes the signature will be update to always show the right information.

Do you need different signatures for different teams inside the same company? No problem! You can have as many different templates that will be applied to different groups of employees. For example, the marketing team may need more visual impact with some extra information but the finance team may have a simpler but more serious one.


When you install SmartSignature you get much more than a tool that just let you standardize your employees email signatures, you invest in your brand by building trust from your customers and partners.


  • The administrator is fully in charge: All the changes are applied in batch from a central point, without involving end-users.
  • Keep users signature information always up to date: fetches the latest information from the G Suite directory to ensure contact details are right.
  • Simulate, preview and test before the roll out: The administrator can preview the final look and feel with real user data, he also can make tests with a small segment of the users, so he does not affect all the users of the domain.
  • Standardize signature branding and information: Allows the administrator to set a standardized email signature for the users, following the corporate branding guidelines.
  • Increase trust from your customers and partners: when they receive an email from anyone of your employees.
  • Avoid unwanted changes and know when they happen: Identifies which users has modified manually his email signature.


  • Admin panel for signature management
  • Advertising campaigns addition
  • Role based access
  • Signature creation from templates
  • Signature creation from text editor
  • Signature bulk application for the entire domain
  • Signature management by organizational unit
  • Signature management by user
  • Google Analytics
  • Executed processes report
  • User activity audit
  • Multilingual
  • Automatic signature application by time periods
  • G Suite data synchronization
  • Alerts when changes in signatures are found
  • Signature preview with real data
  • Signature search by user or organizational unit

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_About Us

Xertica - about us

We help Latin American companies transform their business models, user experience and operational processes for the digital age.

Our team is certified as:

  • Deployment Specialist G Suite.
  • Sales Specialist G Suite, G Suite for Education Certified Trainer.